Wonder woman PV Sindhu scripted history for India be making the final of the Rio Olympics women’s singles badminton on Thursday. Being placed at the 10th spot in world ranking, Sindhu overcame the challenge from world’s sixth-ranked player Nozomi Okuhara of Japan by 21-19 and 21-10 in the semi-final. She is the first Indian to have reached the final of Olympics.
The game began with Sindhu scoring some points and loosing some points. The first saw a very tough competition between the two players. Both of them gave points to each other and at a point the score was 19-19. Then Sindhu picked up her game and went ahead to win the first set, which boasted her self confidence.
The second set began with again Sindhu gaining some points, but after her 3rd point, Okuhara started to pick up her game and took a lead. There were some terrible mistakes that cost Sindhu some points but coming back with a bang, Sindhu gained back the points she had given.
After the score touched 10-10, Sindhu was flawless. Every shot she played, every point she took was with utter confidence. There was no stopping for Sindhu and she went ahead and won the set by 21-10 entering the finals.
However, it won’t be easy for Sindhu to earn India’s first gold medal in Rio Olympics as she will face top-ranked Spaniard Carolina Marin of Spain at 7:30 pm (IST) on Friday. And it will definitely be a match that every Indian all around the globe will watch.
A gold in Women’s Individual Badminton event will be an icing on the cake following India’s first medal (bronze) coming through wrestler Sakshi Malik on Wednesday.