The disciplines for an exciting 2018 IAAF World Indoor Tour have been confirmed.
The scoring disciplines for 2018 are:
Men: 60m, 800m, 3000m/5000m, shot put, pole vault, triple jump
Women: 400m, 1500m, 60m hurdles, high jump, long jump
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With the new addition of the Madrid Indoor Meeting, the 2018 IAAF World Indoor Tour will consist of six action-packed meetings staged throughout the month of February.
Dates and disciplines
3 Feb – Karlsruhe
Men: 60m, 800m, 3000m, pole vault
Women: 400m, 1500m, 60m hurdles, high jump, long jump
6 Feb – Düsseldorf
Men: 60m, 800m, 3000m, pole vault, shot put
Women: 1500m, 60m hurdles, high jump, long jump
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8 Feb – Madrid
Men: 60m, 800m, pole vault, triple jump, shot put
Women: 400m, 1500m, high jump
10 Feb – Boston
Men: 60m, 800m, 3000m/5000m, triple jump, shot put
Women: 400m, 1500m, 60m hurdles, high jump
15 Feb – Torun
Men: 60m, 800m, pole vault, triple jump, shot put
Women: 400m, 1500m, 60m hurdles, high jump
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25 Feb – Glasgow
Men: 60m, 800m, 3000m
Women: 400m, 1500m, 60m hurdles, high jump, long jump
Each meeting has the option to add additional non-tour (non-scoring) disciplines to their programme. These will be announced in the next months.
For each IAAF World Indoor Tour meeting, points are allocated to the top four athletes in each IAAF World Indoor Tour discipline as follows:
1st: 10 points
2nd: 7 points
3rd: 5 points
4th: 3 points
Any athlete who breaks a world record will be awarded three bonus points in addition to the points they will receive as a result of their finishing position.
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An athlete can participate in as many events as chosen within the meetings listed, but only the best three results count towards their ranking. The winner of the IAAF World Indoor Tour must have competed in at least two meetings.
The individual overall winner of each event will receive US$20,000 prize money and automatically qualify for the IAAF World Indoor Championships Birmingham 2018 by wild card. The Member Federation of the IAAF World Indoor Tour winner will have the ultimate authority to enter the athlete or not, based on its own criteria or qualification system.